How does gender affect cheapest car insurance options? If you are looking for the cheapest car insurance available in your area, there is a need for you to spend some time doing some research. Sure it is time consuming and you would have to deal with the nitty gritty but it will do you good in the long term. There are a few things that affect one's policy and this includes age, sex, and location - and no this isn't the internet lingo ASL. Your location plays a vital role in the determination of your policy's rate because there are just those areas that make it impossible to protect a car from theft. Your age also plays an important role because according to statistics, there are age groups that are more aggressive on the road than others while there are age groups that are deemed as more responsible in terms of driving.
But how about gender? Isn't basing one's insurance premium on one's gender a form of discrimination? Gender bias is a natural thing for many insurers because this helps them determine how much one should be paying for one's car insurance premium.
Women ages 16 to 25 for example usually pay less than the males in the same age group all because males of this age range tend to be more reckless than the females. This of course is a generalization but it is still included in the computation for insurance rates because more often than not, the statistics are proven right.
Many consumers are going against this though because they say, the only reason why women are safer drivers is that there is not that very many of them on the road and with this small numbers, it is difficult to say whether women in general drive more carefully than their male counterparts. But no matter what logic one gives to car insurance companies, there is and will always be gender bias hence the need to go around it to get the cheapest car insurance option.