
3 Steps to Content Research

In order to have a successful online internet business you need to put a lot of work into it. There are many tasks to take care of and you should work on something each day. Probably the most important thing is that your site is going to need plenty of good content. In this article I aim to give you some ideas on how to go about content research.

How do we define good content?

Good content can come down to a number of things. Firstly aim to give your readers something of value. You want them to be impressed by what you have to say which in turn will hopefully lead them to other parts of your site.

Let us now look at 3 three steps to good content

1) Research your subject

Spend some time thinking about what you want to write. Who is your target audience and what problems do they have? Write clearly and fluently, making a point of correcting any spelling or grammar errors. Try not to bore your readers and keep the article interesting, controversial and thought provoking. If the reader is impressed they will be coming back to your site and spreading the word around. Think of all the repeat traffic you could be getting just because your content is so great.

2) Do not plagiarise the work of others

Don't just steal the work of someone else and claim it as your own. Make an effort to read and generate your own ideas. Google loves to see original content, not some rehashed material from another site. It's really not difficult to come up with original content. You may find yourself in serious trouble if you've stolen someone else's work. People have gone to a lot of effort to create their articles and it is not fair if others go and plagiarise it.

3) Be original

If you know nothing of your subject then it is going to come across in your writing. You will find if you know what you are talking about, your writing will flow effortlessly. Keep in mind it is not about trying to make a quick buck. It's about giving value to your audience. If they have seen a similar article elsewhere then it's a fairly sure fire bet that they won't be willing to read yours for long. You've got to make an effort to write original material. Focus on age groups when creating content for Google or any other search engine.

If you are writing to a younger audience then tailor your writing to cater for them. The same goes for an adult audience. You do not always need to write fresh current content. Older content is fine also as readers are looking for a variety of subject material.

Hopefully these tips will help you with creative content research. Know your audience, know your market and above all know your subject.

SEO Vs Social Media

Just a couple years back, the best marketing tool online is SEO. SEO is still powerful, but businesses are gradually realizing that social media marketing seem to be benefiting them more. The reasons for this lie in the major differences between SEO and social networking.

First of all, SEO is all about automation, whereas social media is all about conversations. The latter focuses on real, honest, and actual conversations. That's something that cannot be automated. No amount of algorithms can measure the value and depth of real conversations.

Second, SEOs are one-sided, whereas social media marketing is not just about communicating and selling; it's also about listening to consumers. And when you listen to consumers, you know what to respond. By responding, you also get to build trust between you and your consumers.

Third, social networking is all about sharing. The more you share, open up, and engage, the more you will succeed. On the other hand, SEO is all about keeping your techniques to yourself. This makes SEO far more complicated and competitive, while the other one is comfortable, engaging, and friendly.

SEO is all about the ROI. When you do SEO, there's no other benefit than increased traffic, which should convert into sales to be considered successful. However, social media is not just about the ROI. The objective is getting more followers and fans who you can broadcast status updates and tweets to for the long haul. The end result is not just your ROI. Every time you engage with a customer, you also build a relationship, which, in the long run, will bring you sustained business rather than a one-time sale. This means that even if you don't get a sale immediately, you do have an ongoing relationship with your customers, and in the long run, that will count for more.

But these are not to say that SEO is not valuable. It is still important if you want to attain success online. But the presence of social media gives way to a more effective strategy in succeeding online: using SEO and social media together. These two are not meant to compete; they are meant to complement each other.

To maximize the benefits of SEO and social media, hire an agency that offers both types of services and one that can provide a strategy where both SEO and social media marketing are integrated. Choose those that have proven reputation in this field.

Why You Need a Master Plan

In this article I am going to give you some thoughts about why you need a master plan before you start making the parts. You see, when you don't have a master plan for your business, you get confused. You create a document for this, a document for that, and after awhile you start forgetting about how all the documents come together. You have a lot of parts that just don't fit together.

I understand how confusing it is when you get too many different docs etc. - but that is why I am being so stubborn about you getting this master plan done - because you will be amazed at how clear things become once it's done. it will become a guide, like a guiding "document" (no woo-woo here) that will guide you every day.

Then the other parts get stored in folders for each part - and once you have the parts solidified on your master plan, those folders are clear.

Your #1 goal should be to finish this master plan ASAP. You need to know exactly what has to happen to make the income you want. THEN you can make all the parts.

Now you are making the parts before you have the plan. it would be like Chevrolet making brake assemblies for a car they don't know what it will look like or what kind of brakes it will need. So the brakes don't work they have to redesign them, then start over, what a waste.

The bottom line is, you need a master plan. A master plan should include the overall steps that are going to be necessary for you to get to your goal.

So start by identifying your goal. What is the single biggest thing you want to accomplish in the next 6 months? Write out all the steps for making that happen. If you don't know the steps, get training on what the steps are. You will proceed much faster and achieve your goals much faster if you aren't guessing what to do. Hire someone who has already done it and will show you the ropes.

Once the steps are written out that is your master plan. You look at it each morning and ask yourself, what is the one thing I can do today that will move me closer to my goal. All you have to do is follow the master plan to make it happen.

Tips on How to Find Programmers Online

A computer programmer is the person who creates computer software. The same concept can be used for a coder who writes for different types of software. If, by any chance, a person is willing to create a startup company, he or she has to find an analyst to build all the ideas. How to find a programmer ready to accept the project can be really difficult. Many young entrepreneurs have asked the question where to find a programmer who applies to their needs? The hard part consists in the fact that many students graduate the faculty of automatics, becoming engineers, but they are not good enough or not capable of doing the necessary job. Searching upon the freelancing websites in order to find programmers online is an idea, but for a non - programmer is not the best solution, since the future employee's feedback is a foreign language to him.

About where to find a programmer that best works for you, the answer is online. Maybe friends or acquaintances can lend some help by recommending a person they worked with. Upon the internet, questions can be asked to developers such as where to search for the proper person and how to find a programmer easier. But be sure to read something about introduction in programming or ask someone for information about programming languages. Then, find out about the interest the specific chosen person has to take your project into consideration, because he might overcharge you. So you must self ensure that you know most of the part the programmer talks about. Also, the hired person should have some experience for things to go out according to the plan. On the other hand, a non experienced person willing to learn more can be of more service since he won't work with high prices and so both the employer and the employee learn together something that interests them. A good idea is to fix a price per hour, negotiated by both parts.

There is a powerful demand for programmers all over the world, that satisfies the needs of more people. In order to find programmers online, sites are being visited, bringing income to their owners. Also, a young business man gets his man to do the job and the freelancer gets a job. With the minimum information gathered through reading, the appropriate questions must be set for the candidate, to find out his level of knowledge. The just price is based on the employee's skills and on the complexity the project has. Another tip is to test the applicant first, in order to be sure of his work. There are many suggestions of places on where to find a programmer, but is does not mean that he is the right one for you. After gathering few possible candidates for the job, the decisive element should be a personal interview in order to establish future collaborations. If you turn out to be satisfied by the result, you may offer suggestions on how to find a programmer or answer online to the questions others have on this subject. By doing some free publicity to a certain freelancer you can help others to find programmers online.

Can Newbies Make It Online?

With the web becoming more and more of a dominant force in our lives, people are starting to look towards creating online businesses. Known as "newbies" because they are new to the practice, many are wondering if it is possible to still make it in the internet business game. The clear answer is yes, it is.

What are the possibilities? Well, they are endless just like they are in the real world. After all, someone once had the brilliant idea of selling rocks in a box, the Pet Rock, and made a bundle. Never underestimate the willingness of people to buy things. Even in these grim economic times, we are a consumer society. If you can find the right thing to feed the beast, you are going to be in good shape.

So, where do you start? I've been in the business for over a decade. That may not sound long, but it is on the web. Having spent all that time typing away, I have a unique perspective on the best way for you to make money on the web. That way is to create your own product. Personally, I would do it in the form of an eBook. Why? The process is simple and you can get it up and on sale pretty quickly.

Ah, but I can already anticipate what you are thinking. "But what would I write about? Nobody is going to want to read what I write!" Wrong! Most people don't realize it, but they are experts in certain things. Seriously. Take the time to think about what you can do that most people can't. It is often something mundane, but fills a need.

I'll give you an example. I once dated a girl who was big on natural products. She hated the chemicals in commercial products. She decided to write an eBook on how to clean a bathroom without using the toxic junk you can buy in the store. I thought this was a waste of time. Well, it wasn't. Her book was a big hit and she really cleaned up. She didn't make huge money, but she made enough to live on and, apparently, upgrade to a better boyfriend!

The point is we are all experts in something. After 10 years, I know things about internet marketing that I take for granted that you would find fascinating. That's why I moderate a newbie forum. The web evolves so fast, however, that in two years, you'll know as much as I do if not more. So, yes, you can make it online even if you are just starting out. In fact, you might be better positioned because you aren't carrying around a lot of old, useless knowledge.

Creating Business Growth Online


Anyone wishing to experience business growth in the current economic climate knows how tough the competition is out there. With e-commerce and other web-based business systems continuing to gain popularity Australia-wide, businesses need to engage in specialised online marketing solutions to achieve sustainable growth. Online marketing is no longer about spam emails and tacky web banners; there is now a huge assortment of online business solutions that can aid your business in generating interest and creating sustainable business growth.

These days you will rarely find a highly successful business that doesn't have some type of web-based strategy, usually supported by an engaging website. With consumer behaviour drifting strongly towards online trends, your business needs a viable business growth strategy to entice your chosen audience. If you're thinking that a company website is the way to go, you must think tactically. Not only must your website be visually appealing and easy to navigate, it must be engaging to the user. You only have a very short time to capture the attention of prospective customers so there must be something on your website that is attractive to your target market. This means you must create a balance between aesthetic appeal and important information. It would be worth looking into visual style guides and interactive design principles as a foundation.

So, you have a website that is visually attractive, engaging, and includes all the information you want, but how can you use this website to create business growth? Firstly, you need to lead prospective clients to your website so they can see what you have to offer. So how do you generate traffic to your website? There are many tactics you can utilise to drive traffic. For example, you can employ Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), where you optimise key words - that also relate to your products or services - on popular search engines. This is an effective and proven tactic to generate leads because when the keyword is searched, your website will appear first in the search results. This will greatly increase the chance of a prospective customer visiting your website and it will create business exposure. You will be their first choice, meaning that you will already have an edge over your competitors.

Minisites are also an excellent way to propel your business' online presence and are a driving force in a business growth strategy. Minisites act as shortened versions of your main website and are a great tool in directing traffic to your main website. Not only do minisites increase brand exposure but they can also direct a customer to your business when they search for a particular product or service. You can customise your minisites to target niche markets and therefore create a wider customer base.

So when you have a website and you begin to experience business growth, what do you do next? Technology, especially online, has a tendency to rapidly change. You must keep up-to-date with technology changes to stay ahead of your competition. A common mistake made by businesses is not updating their business growth strategy when necessary. If you wish your business to continue building momentum, you need to continually update your website and your business growth strategy according to what is working and what isn't. Your current clients will appreciate ongoing information and updates on your services. A transparent relationship with your customers increases your credibility and successfully builds on your online presence. This has a flow on effect that helps direct more traffic to your website and increases your chance of business growth.

SOS Development are specialists in innovative marketing solutions and web design packages that are specifically tailored for the needs of our clients. Our cost-effective methods have been proven to create sustainable business growth to ensure the survival and continued success of your business. We offer tailored and strategic solutions for your business that promise prosperity and a competitive edge in your market.

MLM Tools for Successful Network Marketing

Certainly, you would need MLM tools for your network marketing business. People are constantly looking out for the best tools to carry on successfully with their multi-level marketing businesses.

If you are struggling with your MLM business, it is most likely you were taught the old fashion methods of generating leads. Although such methods are effective to an extent, things have changed significantly in the present business environment, and you need to work with the current pace.

Perhaps you learned about the warm market approach that involves making the list of people you know - family members, friends, family and neighbors. You were probably also taught that the next step after the list is to call those on your list and extend an invitation for them to attend your one-on-one business presentation, probably fixed for every Wednesday.

So, after all your efforts, just one person shows up and even appears to be hurrying out for another engagement.

And it goes on and on like that... until frustration sets in.

Then, you decide to try another approach of going into the cold market to convince strange looking faces so that they will embrace the business opportunity you are offering them.

Well, you know better, that it is quite difficult and uncomfortable trying to impose an idea on someone, especially when it is obvious that such person is not showing interest.

Now that the cold market approach appears not to be working as well, you are frustrated and ready to quit the multi-level marketing.

Now, don't you think there are better MLM tools that best fit today's business environment?

Why do you think others are making it in this network marketing thing, and others are not?

The answer is simple, the approach that successful network marketers are using is simply their secret to outstanding success with MLM.

So, What MLM Tools or Approaches Work Best?

First of all, you must understand there are people that have undertaken this journey before you. These people went through all the trials and errors and eventually discovered what works best, especially in today's business environment.

So, attaching yourself in an MLM mentoring or training program with such experienced network marketers would provide you with the same (or even better) successful MLM tools for your networking marketing business.

Generally, the internet-based lead generation and multi-level marketing tools are your best baits for success in the current business environment.

The Top 5 Ways To Earn Income Online

1. eBay. This is a great resource to make money online. Try and buy items that are very low cost on eBay and sell them at higher prices on this auction site. Great items to sell are products that people really need and provide solutions to peoples problems. Examples are acne treatment, back pain solution etc.

This is also a great way for newbies to learn about buying and selling on the internet and gives them valuable experience in shipping goods to the customer. Make sure you get the title of your listing correct and see what other powersellers are doing and how they are selling items.

2. Join a cost per action program. The cost per action networks are networks that pay you based on a specific set of actions that you want prospects to do. This could be filling in an email address, making sales etc. It also gives you back the control and gets you to make the key decisions. Great CPA networks are Commission Junction and ClickBooth.

3. Sell information products on the internet. There is no better business to be in then information publishing. As a newbie you could create your first information product in less than a day for example by interviewing an expert and recording this using Pamela for Skype and selling this recorded audio.

E books are also a great product to sell and are increasing in popularity everyday. Just get some PLR content and create your own eBook, but just make sure to add your own version of it.

4. Start recruiting joint venture partners. Joint venture partners are not only a great way to make continuous money online but they can also grow your business at the same time. Just contact similar individuals in your niche and give them 60% or more commission for promoting your product. Sometimes you may want to offer them an even greater deal, like maybe work on their helpdesk one hour a day etc so that you stand out from other marketers who are only offering commission.

5. Selling affiliate products. This is the simplest way to get started in making money online as you don't have to create a product of your own and you can ride on the success someone else has created. Just sign up to and choose a product to promote, get the affiliate link and start making some cash. Its really that easy, just make sure you pick a product people have an urgent need for.

I hope that I have given you some great information to get you started in making money online.This is a process and you will need to learn certain skillsets that will get you succeeding online in the long term. Don't give up if you are not getting the results you want.

Four Best Ways Make Extra Money Online


"In this day and age, it is hard to get a job, no matter how hard you try." You see, more and more people are starting to turn to the Internet to get a job. There are so many different jobs on the Internet that can help you earn extra money and surely, you will be able to find your niche.

How can you find your niche online to earn extra money? Think of something you are good at and go with it. Look for a job that revolves around the things you enjoy going. Below, we are going to give you a list of jobs you can do on the Internet that can help you earn extra money.

Freelance Writing - There are many companies online that are hiring freelance writers. In fact, many magazines hire freelance writers because they believe it is beneficial. The price for freelance writing will vary anywhere from one dollar an article and up. Remember, if you are just starting out, you should not expect too high of pay. You should also remember that companies hire freelance writers because that is the cheaper alternative.

Creating Your Own Site - If you simply want to earn extra money, you can start by creating your own site. The site should revolve around your favourite niche. If you like dogs, then you should make a site on dogs. Once you have created the site, you should hook AdSense and affiliates to it (that will be your income). Mind you, in order to make money off of a site, you will need traffic. In order to get traffic, you need to have fresh content on your page.

Making Extra Money On Craigslist - Craigslist receives billions of views each month with millions of visitors, making it one of the most popular places on the web. Since it's birth in 1995, what started as an e-mail distribution list featuring local events, Craigslist has become one of the most powerful Classified Ads sites.

Web Design - If you enjoy designing websites and you believe you are good at it, then web design would be a good option for you.

Selling on Auction Sites - You could start selling items on auction sites. There are various popular auction sites you could turn to. Do you have good items in your home that you no longer want? Then sell them and invest that money to purchase discounted items for resell.

There are so many ways for you to earn extra money on the Internet. We just told you four ways to earn extra money, but that is not even half of them.

Jobs for Kids Online - Teaching Lessons for Life

Are you trying to create a business oriented mind for your kids? There are a lot of activities online that your children can perform daily and make some extra cash while learning from it. Parents need to play a huge part when searching some jobs for kids online because they need to keep in mind that online resources can be used for good and for bad as well. I'll give you some advices in order to help your kids to find an online activity and earn a few dollars.

Pay attention to their likes
What are the things your kids most enjoy when they go online? Most kids like to play online games and it can be a good start because there are plenty of sites that pay their users to try their new games. It's not going to be easy to find a company that will post jobs for kids online, but pay attention to their likes and you will find many ideas for them to earn money.

Be your own kids' adviser
Help them choose what they will do, seat with them and talk about the importance of working hard, teach them the value of money, these are lessons that will stick for life and they will appreciate it in the future.

Some activities will require you to be by your kids' side, for example if they enjoy writing and reading, why don't you help them to get started with eBooks? It's one of the greatest jobs for kids online because they practice their writing, analysis, reading, selling and at the same time earn money. Creating eBooks require that you as their parent help them to get started, search for something to write about, where to sell it, what is going to be the price of the eBook? Pay attention to all of these aspects, if you don´t have the answer for everything, search for it, your kids are worth the effort right?

Watch what they are doing
Don't forget they are kids and they are easily distracted. Some jobs for kids online will show "dangerous ads," make sure they don't click those annoying "click here" ads, or minimize the window and open something else, etc. As I mentioned above, internet is a huge vault of resources where you can find some great ones and also some bad ones, so check that your kids don't go curious clicking each ad presented on the screen.

In summary, encourage your kids to find a job online and be for them every time they need you, remember these are lessons for life and they will be thankful for your effort in the future.

What and Whys About CAR HID Lights

Have you ever experienced the difficulty of driving at a pitch dark night on a bumpy road, in a foggy weather? The thought itself sends a shrill in your body. Right? But not anymore. You can simply imagine about it happily if you have the CAR HID Lights installed on your vehicle.

What are these HID Lights?

High Intensity Discharge or simply HID Lights are those that are highly powerful lights widely used nowadays and are fast replacing the normal halogen bulbs. They use xenon gas instead of the flimsy filaments that are used by the normal bulbs. They have a color / temperature controller that results in a whitish color being emanated from the lights.

Why have these CAR HID Lights become so popular?

Visibility and clarity - The increased visibility and clarity gives it the much required acceptance. The light that emanates from this appears to be something more natural like the sunlight which, the eyes get easily adjusted to.

Brightness - They produce a highly efficient and powerful beam of light that has a wider exposure thereby covering larger area at one go.

High Intensity - As the name suggests the lights emanated from it are of high intensity which is quite helpful in tearing through thick foggy layers and helping the driver have a smooth drive despite the rough weather.
Energy Efficient - Despite emanating bright light, CAR HID Lights are highly energy efficient and can save up to 35 - 40 % energy as compared to normal bulbs.

Long Life Span - These lights are highly durable and can go on and on for years together and rarely do they require a replacement.

Customized option - One can find these in the size and shape of their choice as they do not come only in standard shapes. Depending upon one's taste they can go for a customized one and make their car look different from its counterparts that have factory made lights.

Are these available in brands only?

There are many manufacturers who are into manufacturing these CAR HID Lights. Of them there are many branded auto manufacturers too who are into the manufacturing these lights. Apart from this, one can find different non-branded products too. But it is always advisable to go for branded products, even if it means a little costlier, but quality is guaranteed.

Where are these available?

These are available in automobile spare parts shops or even online stores.

Which is a better option?

Online stores are always a better option given the fact that one can sit at the comfort of their home and go around different sites, brands and products, compare prices and finally order the products. Within a few days, your product will be delivered right at your home.

Check for discounts and offers which many of these sites provide for CAR HID Lights. You are sure to get the best deal online.

Points of caution while buying online

Though you can browse through various sites and compare the prices, never get allured of unusually low prices. They may give a run for your money once you make the payments.

Ensure that the site is a reliable one and the offers are reasonable.

Earn Money Online Using PayPal

PayPal is an entity of the 21st century. It was originally conceptualized as a digital wallet somewhere in the late nineties, before we entered the new millennium. Creating a digital wallet used to be the sole and primary purpose of why PayPal came about. The idea is that digital wallet is a virtual thing and is not tangible and being so, it cannot be lost or stolen. By then, this wallet can only be accessed upon using an electronic device called PDA or personal digital assistant. Well at least that was its sole intention. By the year 2004 or there about, PayPal was founded and it was referred to then as "Confinity". The main objective during that time is still for PDA use to transfer money electronically. Today PayPal is the best alternative to credit cards and a good way to earn extra money from home. If transaction is to be made online, PayPal is the best choice for making a payment and for receiving a payment for goods or services.

PayPal is basically for everyone who knows how to use it and can understand how it works. The availability of PayPal to the multitude is practically across continent and nationality. There are several ways for you to earn money online using PayPal. The most popular is, if you sell services such as online support. Online support site, most, if not all uses the services of PayPal as a payment option to their online job contractors. These contractors can then link their local bank accounts to PayPal that would enable them to withdraw their earnings in their respective local currencies. Another segment that uses PayPal is the advertising agencies. Most websites owners allow advertising companies to place an ad to their website and in return these advertising companies pay them a commission for every visitor clicking on those ad banners. Most advertising agencies use the services of PayPal as an avenue to pay website owners of their earnings.

Another way to earn extra money from home using PayPal is maximizing the use of the PayPal donate button. If you have a website that is loaded with useful information to the general public and you don't want to sell those data, one way of monetizing such undertaking is to use the donate button of PayPal, So that visitors of your site who may find your content useful and may want to give back in return as a form of goodwill they can use the donate button. To earn money online using PayPal is indeed a good thing for modern day commerce, but it is not only that, it can also be used by family members. You can give out money as a gift to a relative overseas using PayPal or in countries where a good number of its populace works abroad, PayPal is the most practical and convenient way of sending money back home. In today's information age to earn money online using PayPal is becoming paradigm. Monetary transaction across continent has never been as convenient, working online was better enhanced, safeguards had been put in place for electronic financial undertakings and peace of one's minds had been well established using PayPal services.