
Why You Need a Master Plan

In this article I am going to give you some thoughts about why you need a master plan before you start making the parts. You see, when you don't have a master plan for your business, you get confused. You create a document for this, a document for that, and after awhile you start forgetting about how all the documents come together. You have a lot of parts that just don't fit together.

I understand how confusing it is when you get too many different docs etc. - but that is why I am being so stubborn about you getting this master plan done - because you will be amazed at how clear things become once it's done. it will become a guide, like a guiding "document" (no woo-woo here) that will guide you every day.

Then the other parts get stored in folders for each part - and once you have the parts solidified on your master plan, those folders are clear.

Your #1 goal should be to finish this master plan ASAP. You need to know exactly what has to happen to make the income you want. THEN you can make all the parts.

Now you are making the parts before you have the plan. it would be like Chevrolet making brake assemblies for a car they don't know what it will look like or what kind of brakes it will need. So the brakes don't work they have to redesign them, then start over, what a waste.

The bottom line is, you need a master plan. A master plan should include the overall steps that are going to be necessary for you to get to your goal.

So start by identifying your goal. What is the single biggest thing you want to accomplish in the next 6 months? Write out all the steps for making that happen. If you don't know the steps, get training on what the steps are. You will proceed much faster and achieve your goals much faster if you aren't guessing what to do. Hire someone who has already done it and will show you the ropes.

Once the steps are written out that is your master plan. You look at it each morning and ask yourself, what is the one thing I can do today that will move me closer to my goal. All you have to do is follow the master plan to make it happen.

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